Thursday 21 January 2010

rough planning

so we as a group decided to go with a thriller/horror type of two minute film opening so we brain stormed; and came up with a few good ideas such as we wanted it to be like a chase type of scene which would allow for some fast pace music and quick cutting shots. We came up with the final story board of a man saving a woman or child from a locked room but he gets locked up. All these are just rough ideas that to me sound really good and if we can recreate some of the scenes that i am playing in my head then we should have a very scary and exciting film. However I recognise that we have to budget and in a production team of men we would need to hire a women, so there are still some problems to overcome.

The short synopsis of the film clip is that we see a man drive up to a wooded area and get out. Time would pass and we see a jogger run past the car, when he hears screams. We want to flash images of the woman looking gray like the girls or flash backs from the shining. So as the jogger runs to help the tension builds as the audience sees the man from the car following the jogger. When he gets to the source of the screaming, an old shed, and when he goes in he sees the girl in the corner as he walk towards to help the doors close behind him.

that is the basic plan.

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